Hair Treatment

Incorporating ancient wisdom & natural ingredients, Vedantam Ayurveda offers best and advanced hair treatment solutions that address various hair concerns such as dandruff, hair loss, and premature graying. Utilizing traditional herbs such as Bhringraj, Amla and Neem, Vedantam Ayurveda’s treatments nourish the scalp, strengthen hair roots and promote healthy hair growth. These treatments are designed to balance the body’s doshas, ensuring not just cosmetic improvements but also overall well-being. By following these Ayurvedic principles, one can achieve lustrous, strong and vibrant hair, free from harmful chemicals. Embrace the natural path to beautiful hair with Vedantam Ayurveda’s time-tested remedies.

Hair Fall Treatment

At Vedantam Ayurveda, we offer a best solution to hair fall by integrating ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern science. Our approach addresses the root causes of hair fall, including genetic factors, hormonal imbalances and nutritional deficiencies. We use potent Ayurvedic herbs like bhringraj and amla, combined with dietary recommendations rich in proteins, iron, and vitamins. By incorporating lifestyle modifications like regular exercise, stress management and proper hair care techniques, we establish a holistic treatment plan that not only prevents hair fall but also promotes robust hair growth.

Common Causes of Hair Fall

  • Heredity plays a significant role in hair loss patterns.
  • Conditions such as thyroid disorders and PCOS.
  • Lack of necessary vitamins and minerals.
  • Psychological stress can disrupt the hair growth cycle.
  • Certain drugs used for cancer, arthritis, depression.
  • Excessive use of chemicals and heat styling tools.
  • Pollution, exposure to harmful UV rays.

Hair Dandruff Treatment

Dandruff, a common scalp condition, affects millions global, causing itchiness, flakiness & discomfort. Vedantam Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to treating dandruff, utilizing ancient wisdom and natural remedies to restore scalp health as well as balance. Dandruff is primarily caused by an overgrowth of a yeast-like fungus called Malassezia, which feeds on the oils secreted by the scalp. This leads to an increased turnover of skin cells, resulting in the characteristic flakes. Other contributing factors include dry skin, subtlety to hair care products & certain skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

Symptoms of Dandruff

  • Flaking: White or yellowish flakes on the scalp, hair, shoulders & clothing.
  • Itching: Persistent itchiness & discomfort on the scalp.
  • Dryness: A dry as well as tight feeling on the scalp.
  • Redness and Irritation: Inflammation and redness in severe cases.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy hair follicles, leading to hair loss. This condition can affect individuals of all ages, genders & ethnicities. The extent of hair loss varies widely among sufferers, some may experience only a few patches, while others might face more extensive hair loss. The exact cause of Alopecia Areata remains unknown, but it is believed to result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Research indicates that individuals with a family history of autoimmune diseases are more susceptible to developing Alopecia Areata.

Symptoms of Alopecia Areata

  • Patchy Hair Loss
  • Exclamation Mark Hairs
  • Nail Changes

Alopecia Totalis

Alopecia Totalis is an advanced form of alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder where the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, leading to hair loss. Unlike alopecia areata, which typically causes patchy hair loss, alopecia totalis results in the complete loss of hair on the scalp.

Causes of Alopecia Totalis

The exact cause of alopecia totalis is not fully understood, but it is generally believed to involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and immunological factors. Key elements include:

  • Genetic Predisposition
  • Immune System Dysfunction
  • Environmental Triggers

Alopecia Universalis

Alopecia Universalis is an autoimmune disorder where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles, leading to hair loss. Unlike other forms of alopecia, AU results in the complete absence of hair, not just on the scalp but on the entire body, including eyebrows, eyelashes, and even the fine hair on the skin.

Key Symptoms

  • Total Hair Loss: The most apparent symptom is the complete loss of hair on the scalp and body.
  • Smooth, Hairless Skin: The skin where hair has fallen out remains smooth and devoid of follicles.
  • Absence of Other Skin Symptoms: There is typically no rash, itching, or scaling.


Platelet-Rich Plasma PRP therapy is a cutting-edge treatment that utilizes the body’s natural healing capabilities to stimulate hair growth. PRP is derived from the patient’s blood, refined to establish platelets, which are rich in growth factors and proteins that aid in tissue repair and regeneration.

Growth Factor Concentrate GFC Hair Transplant is a revolutionary approach that combines traditional hair transplantation techniques with the application of growth factors to enhance hair regrowth and improve the overall success of the transplant.

Benefits of GFC Hair Transplant

  • Enhanced Hair Growth: The application of growth factors boosts the success rate of hair transplantation.
  • Natural Results: The transplanted hair grows naturally, blending seamlessly with existing hair.
  • Reduced Recovery Time: GFC promotes faster healing, allowing patients to recover quickly.
  • Long-Lasting Effects: The combined approach offers more durable and long-lasting results compared to traditional hair transplants.

Hair Transplant

Hair transplants are a popular solution for hair loss, involving the transfer of hair follicles from a donor area to thinning or balding spots. FUT involves removing a strip of scalp, while FUE extracts individual follicles. Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is an advanced FUE method. Ideal candidates have stable hair loss and sufficient donor hair. The procedure involves consultation, preparation, harvesting, graft preparation & implantation, followed by recovery. Results typically appear within 6 to 12 months. Potential risks include infection, scarring, and temporary hair shedding.

Hair Transplant Procedure

  • Pre-Procedure Consultation
  • Preparation
  • Harvesting Donor Hair
  • Graft Preparation
  • Implantation
  • Post-Procedure Care
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